When a Website “Works”, it will be attracting people who are looking for massage therapy. It will also be making you extra money while you do massage (or while sleeping!)
A Website that Works Will:
- Get your site listed on the first page and preferably the top 2 listings of Google (and all of the other search engines)
- Attract People looking for massage therapy which makes them more of an ideal candidate for massage. You don’t have to ‘sell them’ on the value of massage.
- Get the reader to click on the listing!
- Get the reader to call or make the appointment!
- And Get them to keep coming back each week/month
- AND Send in all of their friends/family members/co-workers
- AND Makes you money while you do massage!
A Website for your massage business is one of the best tools for getting more massage clients. When people are searching for the words ‘massage your city’ and your website turns up on the top of the first page of results on any of the search engines – people will already be looking for massage! That is the best kind of client to get! They are already an Ideal Client! They are looking for massage! They already understand the value of massage and they want one or they have a problem that they are looking for a solution for so they are searching for massage!
Step by step Guide to creating your massage business website
- Massage Website basics. Understand the very important concepts of how the internet works. Understand the CTPM process – what a website needs to do to get the attention of the search engines and to get clients.
- Web-hosting basics – how to choose a website host and software for building your website
Using WordPress
Using SBI! - Choosing the best domain name.
- Massage Therapy WebSite Design Basics
- Simple Search Engine Optimization
- Content, content, content….content
- The most important pages – the home page, about page and services page.
- Building Website traffic
- Using Facebook to build your massage business
- Online scheduling
- Making extra income from your website – affiliate programs, ebooks, books, products. And if you dare…
- Create an additional online business to supplement your income or make a living online.
- Google business listing is essential in getting your website found and getting new clients.
This is an short outline of most everything you need to do. I have learned all of this from using SBI! (Solobuildit! which previously was Site Build it!). While you can make progress using the steps I have outlined above, you will do much better when you actually use SBI! and all of the tools they have available. They take everything step by step and have the website software to go along with everything. I have been using this for my own massage business website since 2002 and my site is usually on the first page of results for my keyword.
But don’t just take my word for it…there are many other massage therapists using the system too!
Katrina says
For several years I have worked hard (not smart) doing Groupon deals and free chair massages. I now realize how important it is have to get my website to the top of google. I have a beautiful website that isn’t being found easily by potential clients. I appreciate all your advice. I’m confident that I can get to the top eventually even though my practice is located in a highly competitive area.
momoanma says
Hello, I have been builting a Korean mobile massage service homepage. And there are so many powerful competitors in this field.
I agree to your article – I am gonna start other online complementary businesses to support the existing one.
Thank you for your advice.