Setting your massage fees is one of the most basic things yet the most complicated. You want to set your fees low enough so that you will get a steady stream of clients but not too high that you are not affordable by most people. You also want to be able to make a living, […]
Success: What does it take?
Every massage therapist wants to create a successful massage business – one that has enough clients so that they can make a decent living, take vacations, save for retirement and maybe even one day retire. So what does it take to get there? With so many books, resources, websites, business coaches and help – why […]
How much can you really make as a self-employed, sole-proprietor as a massage therapists? Do the Math, but also keep your business simple and make it efficient! You will have an overhead and business expenses, but you might be paying too much and it will take giving more massages to make the money you need […]
Tipping! Yes or No?
The subject of accepting tips as a massage therapist seems to come up often on the many discussion boards and Facebook. Should you accept tips as a massage therapist? Some say Yes and some of course say No. Which is best for you and your business will depend on your own values and needs but […]
Don’t be scared to Raise Your Massage Fees
Raising Your Massage Fees is often a difficult part of being in business for yourself as a massage therapist. On one hand you want to be able to provide affordable massages to people and on the other hand, you need to make a living to stay in business so that you can continue to […]
Top Tech Tools
It is time – non-tech savvy massage therapists to get on board! Technology can save you so much time and energy. Don’t be afraid! If you feel like you are overwhelmed by it all, just take one thing at a time. There is a bit of a learning curve that will take time but the […]