The vaccines are now here and hopefully that means the beginning of the end of the pandemic. With so much confusion over the vaccine and what it is and what it isn’t, I spent a few days reading up on the most popular things people and more specifically, massage therapists are saying as to why they won’t get one to help people understand why they should get one.
People can still spread the disease even if they get the vaccine. The vaccine doesn’t do much.
FACT: #COVID19 vaccination helps keep you from getting COVID-19.
The vaccines currently available in the United States are more than 90% effective at preventing COVID-19, according to clinical trials, and are important tools to stop the pandemic.
Learn more:
Also, if you are exposed to someone who has the virus, you will not be required to quarantine unless you have symptoms and get the virus. This allows you to continue on in business. Interim Guidance on Duration of Isolation and Precautions for Adults with COVID-19

The vaccines were made too quickly and I don’t trust them.
While it seems like they were made quickly, the technology has been around for decades. Understanding mRNA vaccines from the CDC
This is just a big experiment on the public. The vaccine will change our DNA.
It won’t change your DNA. The vaccines use the word genetic vaccines to describe what they are, but it only means that a genetic molecule is used to activate your immune system.
I think I will wait and see how it goes. I’ll see if there are more side effects that pop up, but I probably won’t get the vaccine and will take my chance on getting the virus.
Covid-19 is by far the more dangerous option. Covid vaccines carry little known risk. But the perils of Covid-19 have been well documented. About 20 percent of people who come down with Covid-19 symptoms develop serious, potentially life-threatening illness. Although people who are older, obese or have other health problems are at highest risk for complications from Covid-19, younger people can become severely ill, too. In a study of more than 3,000 people ages 18 to 34 who were hospitalized for Covid, 20 percent required intensive care and 3 percent died.
The long-term health complications associated with Covid-19 are a serious concern. As many as one in three people who recover from Covid have chronic complaints for months afterward, including exhaustion, a racing heart, blood clots and loss of sense of smell or taste. ~NY Times
I don’t want to get the vaccine. It infringes on my civil liberties and freedom.
Associate professor David Broniatowski from George Washington University, the “framing vaccine refusal as a civil right allows vaccine opponents to sidestep the science.”
Getting the vaccine will lead to more and more freedom. We need 70% of the population to get the vaccine to achieve herd immunity which could be the beginning of the end of this pandemic. Sometimes it just requires you to overcome your fears and make adult decisions based on Science.
What if a client asks if I have had the vaccine? Do I have the right not to answer?
Of course you have the right to not answer, but why would you choose that? My guess would be that if you refuse to answer, you did not get the vaccine…whether that is true or not is of course unknown but in the case of something being unknown, people make up their own conclusions. There are consequences to what you say. You could lose or gain a client either way.
I am still on the fence. What should I do?
Get the Vaccine.
Resources for more reading:
Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines – CDC
CDC- Vaccine FAQs